You guys crack me up. I have been getting dozens of emails and comments from friends about family cloth. LOL I know I know it may seem really far fetched I am fully aware of how far out there it may seem. A lot of people tell me they would never go that far and since I have taken it to those extremes I must have officially lost it! Its true I have lost it, its what my husband loves most about me, but anyways different day different post for that subject! ;)
Anyways I want you all to know this "going green" didn't happen overnight. It was mostly baby steps, itsy bitsy baby steps anyone can do. We certainly are not perfect and have MANY more steps to take to decrease our ecological footprint, but like I said before BABY STEPS. I have had some requests to explain exactly what those baby steps were and how to go about doing them.
A couple years ago J and I started making earth day resolutions. Okay it was mainly me but J went along with it. The first one was to bring cloth bags to the grocery store. This was before you could find them in each and every store (which I think is AN AMAZING huge giantic step for retailers!!!!) and so I talked J into a bag "allowance" and I ordered some @ reusablebags.com. After looking through the HUGE assortment they have there I went with the CHICO bag which comes in a TON of colors and folds up super tiny for easy transportation. Now there are thousands of bags to choose from and they are fun to collect!
A lot of people tell me they buy these bags and then forget them in their home or car. I have to admit this was a problem for me at first too, to remedy this I promised myself no matter what I would NOT use a bag. I don't this J knew exactly how serious I was about this until one day I came pounding on the door with literally arms full of groceries. J asked what was wrong why didn't I have bags at home and I told him I forgot them at the house. He just laughed, he still laughs at me but.... he uses them too. I am so proud of him!
I know a lot of you use these now! They are so easy to find I will list some other great places to pick some up!
Blue Q - I fell in love with this retailer after my trip to N.Y. and Serendipity!
Punk Rock Padding - My friend Amber from Mudshrimps sent me some of these and they are great you can pick which fabric you want on it!
Trolley Dolley - okay these are just awesome, a little pricey but a great idea!
Trader Joe's - If you have one near you go pick up some bags, I get the MOST complements on these bags, they are cheap and I use them for everything!
For anyone who would like to enter to win a Trader Joe's bag leave a comment along with your email address. TRUST me they are super cute! ;)
Have a great one and have fun going green!
I don't live any where near a TJ's but I have seen folks with their bags in local Whole Foods stores...I *love* bags...I'd love to win!
texanntx at aol dot com
Wow, cool Mama! A TJ bag would be great!
cjinhb at msn dot com
Checking out your blog from DS...seriously enjoying it!
We don't have a TJ's, but I'm in the process of convincing DH to convert to reusable bags so I thought I'd enter to win!
Ooops! If I win you can email me at maineexile@gmai.com or PM me through DS (chocolatemoose)!
Loved this in Germany, love that this is actually catching on here!
I would like to enter.
madelyn_marie at yahoo dot com
What a SHAME that that poor gal in your link has so many negative comments... It's not that far out there... people use family cloths all OVER the world. http://walkslowlylivewildly.com/
I think you would like her... she uses "family cloths"
would love a bag=-)
is this still going??? i would love one of these! there is no Tj here :(**
can never have to many re-usable bags!
Yep this will go for one week! :)
THanks ladies!
Thank you Rachel for the link! :)
I love my resusable bags. I use cloth to clean with, but don't really feel my family could make that switch easily to family cloth, lol..especially Dh (giggles). I wish there was a trader joes or whole foods near me, but alas...no, but I do shop through local farmers! :) I'd love to be entered for a free bag too. lilgamoma at jtribecreations dot com
I LOVE my Trader Joes bags:) Very funky and fun!!
I'd love a chance to win one! Thanks for being so generous.
I'd love to start using cloth bags!
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