Thursday, April 1, 2010
Blog Hop!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The one with the Rainbow Play-doh!
Play Dough Recipe:
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoon cream of tartar (find it in the spice section)
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup water
food coloring
Combine all the ingredients over MED heat in a pot. Some recipes will tell you to cook this until its super thick and looks like... well like PLAY-DOH! No DON'T do it!!!!! Go against all your natural instincts and take it off the heat the moment it looks like mashed potatoes. If you cook it too long it will dry out and will be super crumbly. Once you take it off the heat knead it for about 5 minutes on a floured surface. You will think to yourself "OH NO I pulled it off the heat to early its never going to turn out" THAT is how you know it will be perfection in the end!!!!
Okay now down to this rainbow business! I was making rainbow play-doh for 25+ kids. I wanted each child to have their own little rainbow and not have to use anyone elses " rain cloud " what we called it once all the colors mixed. So I doubled this recipe. Once I had it all kneaded out I divided it into 6 (I believe rainbows are supposed to have 7 colors but you get the idea!) different balls of dough. To each ball I added a different color of the rainbow and kneaded until it was bright and fun!!
Next...I rolled out each ball into a long strip ( I would estimate about 6 inches wide by 16 inches long). Once I had all the balls rolled out I put them right next to each other in a long line. I arranged them in order I wanted the colors of my rainbow ( apparently my rainbow is backwards, but that is perfectly fine with me!) Then I rolled it up like one long cinnamon roll. Once we were ready to play I simple cut off a portion for each child, every child had a slice with all the colors! It was perfect!
Enjoy! If you make this PLEASE POST PICS and send me the link! I can't wait to see your rainbows!!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The one with the Art Journal tutorial....

Friday, February 5, 2010
The one with a new year - 2010!
Just for fun lets do a little catch up!
J- I am so proud of him! He is currently in his second semester at TMCC! I think this might ACTUALLY be the time we get through this college thing! He is also working with youth through the boys and girls club.
S- Also in full time college and working with my Pre-K kids over @ JKLC and feeling VERY blessed there! Loving being on the CT @ The Lilypad, it has really encouraged my creativity.
j- Is in 2nd grade and loving every moment of it. This year she has also started in the girl scouts and thanks too all of you is rounding up some awesome cookie sales!
a- Doing great in preschool and thinks Mickey Mouse is ALL hers! ( Minnie who?) She is turning three soon,.... when did that happen?
Grammy K helped us with this fun project for Valentine's day it was super fun and super cheap! I just adore it!
P.s. Brighter= Brighten opps!

I am still learning flicker so the promised pictures are below! :)
I have some other fun Valentine's projects I will be posting in the next couple of days so keep a look out!
The artist in her
Jaden has really been into embroidery . She is currently creating a collection of all her favorite fruits. Here she is working on a piece she calls 'grapes" ;)